Review: Retro Powerstrip

Retro packs Pultec-style EQ and EMI-like compression into an electrifying channel strip.


19 February 2012

I’ve had the Retro Powerstrip in my studio for about a month now and I have to say it’s one of those rare boxes that makes the recording and mixing process easier…. a whole lot easier! You want to make a vocal stand up and take centre stage? Give it some super smooth top end presence with premium quality valve EQ, then add 4 to 7dB of creamy tube compression at one of the medium time constant settings. Want to make your kick drum sound beefy and sweet at the same time? Work the bottom end contours with a combination of Pultec-style low end boost, attenuation and sub sonic filtering, tweak the top end and then give it some weight with a faster compression setting and a bit of sidechain filter tinkering. Bass? How much do you want? How much string attack? You want super smooth compression to lock it into the perfect place in the mix? There, I’ve just dialled it in and it sounds freakin’ great! As though I’d spent an hour on it in DAW-land — mousing plug-ins and fiddling with parallel processing etc., etc. — except I only spent five minutes tweaking the black knobs on a grey box, and actually, it sounds way better than any of my plug-ins ever do.


OK I’m getting ahead of myself here but seriously folks, the Powerstrip really is a joy to use, and being an all-valve channel strip from the Retro factory it’s no great surprise. I’ve used Retro’s stereo EQ and 176 compressor before and been very impressed at how tweakable and just plain great-sounding they were, so I was pretty rapt to see a whole Retro recording channel turn up for review.

The unit has a timeless look with an old-style gain reduction meter (no backlight on this, unfortunately), and full size metal toggle switches and classy rotary knobs. The layout is clean and, like all the Retro gear, everything feels and looks like it’s built for the long haul.


The most noticeable ‘how’s that?’ when you first approach the Powerstrip is the seeming absence of any preamp input control. In fact, all levels are controlled via the input and output knobs over on the right hand side of the unit in the compressor section. With the comp switched out they are simply I/O controls. With the comp switched in you are controlling preamp and compressor input levels with one knob — a bit of a compromise but in most cases this is, surprisingly, not really a big deal. Like a UREI 1176, the compressor’s threshold is simply set by how much gain you introduce into the circuit. Drive the input hard enough and you can achieve very nice break-up through the preamp and compressor signal paths, and the preamp has an extra little trick up its sleeve; if you pull the input gain control it clicks out to a ‘vintage’ setting which has a slightly darker and more grainy tonality.


I initially used the Powerstrip on some TV scoring work and found the ‘vintage’ preamp setting with some subtle EQ and compression worked a treat with an Octava ribbon mic for darker string arrangements, percussion, clarinets…basically everything. More recently I’ve been going a bit more rock ‘n’ roll with it on kick, snare, overheads, bass, guitars and vocals and really there’s nothing it can’t handle. The preamp is versatile, powerful and great sounding, while the EQ has a super sweet musicality, and the compressor is beautifully smooth and gluey. Mixing and reprocessing tracks through the Powerstrip is an absolute pleasure and the results can be truly stunning. Boosting the tops at 16kHz on things like drum overheads is just gobsmackingly good. Indeed you have to work really hard to make this thing misbehave. Being such a tweakable unit I found myself not so much looking for a good sound as having to choose between different types of good — a nice problem to have!



    $3,527 incl GS


    (08) 8278 8506
    [email protected]

  • PROS

    • Two (subtle) flavour choices on mic preamp
    • Superb EQ
    • Magic on lead vocals
    • Valves can be swapped out for different tonal characteristics

  • CONS

    • Single input control limits options at the margins of compressor and preamp gain structures
    • You’ll wish the EQ had a midrange band too
    • Meter isn’t backlit


    Another top class unit from the Retro stable. Brilliantly designed valve everything makes recording and processing audio a breeze. A versatile preamp meets sweet 2-band Pultec-style EQ and super smooth EMI-based compression for an all-round tone tool of rare quality.

The Powerstrip doesn’t skimp on options. The Hi-Z Out is post-processing, making for a formidable re-amp box or live EQ and compressor.


Kudos to Retro for putting together such a high quality package. Of course, it is very much at the pricey end of the market. Though on vocals, snare, bass and guitars the Powerstrip is a dead-set winner and I’m not sure you’d find a better channel strip out there for any price. In a mix situation I’ve never come across a tool that is so easy to use and so effective at placing sounds exactly where you want them in the mix. It’s a rare combination of control and forgiving smoothness that really makes the Powerstrip stand out for me.


Based upon the valve EMI RS 124 model and very simple in operation. There are six time constant settings ranging from slow to fast. The slowest setting provides dynamic attack and recovery characteristics and is the most transparent sounding. As you click clockwise into the faster settings the compressor becomes more coloured and vibey, though unlike many competitors’ units, the Powerstrip’s compressor maintains amazing tonal coherence and musicality even when pushed to the limit. 

If pumping does become problematic there is also a sidechain filter that can be engaged at 90 or 250 Hz to allow low-end material to pass through the compressor unscathed.


Utilises the classic Pultec boost and cut topology at a number of stepped frequencies. For those who haven’t used this kind of EQ before, amongst other things you can both boost and cut the one low frequency and because the two curves are slightly offset you can create a powerful bump and notch effect — great for percussive instruments where you can tune the point of greatest tonal impact. 

Subsonic filter rolls off below 40 or 90Hz.

3-step HF cut filter that complements the range of 10 HF boost frequencies.

The bandwidth or ‘Q’ control modifies the width of the high frequency boost.


Features a valve mic preamp that delivers 70dB of clean low-noise gain as well as line and Hi-Z inputs.


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