Eiosis announced the E2Deesser plug-in at NAMM, designed to intelligently remove sibilance with two simple controls (Sensitivity and Amount) doing the majority of the work. A well-executed graphical display provides useful visual feedback. The Auto and Smooth settings allow for more flexibility in tailoring the sound and smoothing out peaks. For those who like to get their hands dirty, the E2Deesser has an equaliser to allow precise adjustment of the sibilant and voiced sound. You can dial in the de-essing style you’d like, be it LPF, notch EQ, broadband, or a combination. On top of that, you can EQ the vocal to taste without bringing back sibilance. Fabrice Gabriel, the man behind Eiosis plug-ins, says he hopes the E2Deesser will make the de-essing process fun. The plug-in will go for US$149.
The company has also made its Air and Earth modules from the AirEQ plug-in available for the Slate Digital’s Virtual Mix Rack.
More info:
Eiosis: www.eiosis.com