This may come as a surprise to some, but bum-rattling monitor systems for drummers have been around for quite a while and before you think it’s all a bit odd, the list of who’s-who drummers endorsing the systems says differently. The theory behind the Porter and Davies (P&D) “tactile” monitoring effect is more than just a vibrating stool wired into a kick drum. Also calling it “Stealth Monitoring’, based on the old “knee-bone-is-connected-to-the-thigh-bone-is-connected-to-the-hip-bone (and so on)” concept the P&D monitoring uses bone conduction to ultimately transmit the vibrations to those critical bones beside your eardrums. The end result is to provide a physical, literally bone-thumping experience for players who might otherwise feel alienated from their musical environment due to In-Ear monitoring. The bottom line here (excuse the unavoidable pun) is that P&D has now developed a similar system for keyboard players, developing a vibrating, bone conducting monitoring system that can add a kick in the pants to even your basic Chopsticks solo. Of course, the whole idea falls apart, if you don’t sit down to play. Different systems allow for more inputs and control. Still not sure? Check out for videos and more information.
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