8 October 2015
The AKAI MPC is a familiar face in the music production world, and a face-lifted new version has been announced. The AKAI MPC Touch re-writes the rules, now featuring a 7” colour multi-touch display, along with MPC’s improved backlit pads. Multi-touch capability means you can literally grab and pinch waveforms, draw MIDI events, adjust envelopes, chop samples, add effects and precisely set controls using your fingertips.
The MPC Touch also features a step sequencer, phrase looper, pad mixer for setting levels and stereo panning, sample edit control for processing your samples, data encoder knob for push-and-twist control of display parameters, and four new performance-ready touch-sensitive control. MPC software and over 20,000 sounds are bundled with the controller. Compatible with Max OS X 10.8.5 or later, and Windows 7 or later.
More info:
AKAI Professional: www.akaipro.com
Australian Distributor: www.elfa.com.au