ChowDSP: Chow Kick
A free synthesised kick drum plugin.
Chowdhury DSP is a project created by Jatin Chowdhury with the intention of developing innovative and high-quality audio software, as well as making that software available to the widest audience possible. ChowDSP software is driven by the desire to create useful tools for musicians and audio engineers; tools that sound great, are easy to use, and provide musical inspiration.
Chow Kick is a kick drum synthesizer based on creative physical modelling of old drum machine circuits. Along with a highly parametrisable pulse shaper, Chow Kick uses a resonant filter with several nonlinear modes, creating a wide range of possibilities for sound designers. The kick drum can also be easily ‘tuned’ with incoming MIDI notes to match the key of your song. This plugin was inspired by Kurt Werner’s analysis and modelling of the TR-808 Kick Drum Circuit, discussed in his wonderful PhD Dissertation.