Guy Sebastian: All The Right Regions
Guy glad hands the bush, keeping Mum, Nan and the kids all happy.
It doesn’t take long to be won over by the considerable charms of Guy Sebastian. I’m not sure who was more sceptical, me (who still recalls the reality TV shock of Idol) or my 12 year-old daughter (who is instantly suspicious of any of her father’s music ‘recommendations’). But a few minutes into the gig and both of us were eating out of the palm of Guy’s hand.
I’m not saying anything that tens of thousands of fans who flocked to last year’s arena shows don’t already know – Guy Sebastian is the consummate showman.
He’s also a nice guy. Not content with playing the big arenas in the big cities, this year he’s hit the road playing a regional theatre tour, much to the joy of his multi-generational fanbase.
Guy’s FOH engineer is Anatole Day, he’s been with Guy since the Memphis tour in 2008; when he came on board manning monitors. Initially, he too was a little lukewarm: “Until I found out I was working with Steve Cropper, Duck Dunn and the rest of the original Stax musicians, and seeing how natural Guy was with them — he belonged in that company.”
A big tour comes with big baggage — six semi trailers in the case of last year’s arena tour — while a regional tour needed to be more nimble. Amazingly, Anatole and the crew managed to shoehorn the whole production into a 12-tonner. A couple of the dates required some rental PA to supplement what was in the truck but mostly the combination of 8 x L-Acoustics ARCS and 8 x SB218s powered by LA8 amps did the trick.
“The ARCS are flexible,” explains Anatole. “Ground stacking a PA inevitably means it’s a lot louder at the front than the back, but I’ll occasionally stack the subs three high to lift the ARCS up from the audience a little more, then flip the boxes upside down, that way I get 40° downward coverage for the front rows, and with 20° dispersion upwards I can still hit the back row.”
The microphone package is all Sennheiser. Unsurprisingly, given Anatole struck a deal with Sennheiser a few years back to guarantee he was delivering the kind of sound Guy was asking for: “Occasionally I’d be caught short on corporate gigs. I’d send in the technical rider and everyone was okay, but then I’d arrive and find some of the gear wasn’t up to scratch. I knew I had to at least guarantee Guy’s sound for those gigs. I put together a 2U road case with two Sennheiser 2050 wireless mic channels (SKM2000 handhelds and Neumann KK205 capsules) and two stereo sets of G3 in-ear monitors. That way, whatever the circumstances I had Guy’s sound covered.”
Most of the wireless is the new 9000 Series. Eight channels covers Guy, BVs and guitar packs. Four additional channels of 2000 Series wireless takes care of backups. “The wireless is rock solid,” observes Anatole. “Every gig, Justin our monitor engineer, starts scanning as soon as he can. He’ll do that throughout soundcheck right up until the show kicks off. You never know what the hundreds of mobile phones in the audience might do to your clean spectrum. But we also know the 9000 series will find the best chunk of spectrum and has never missed a beat.”