Empirical Labs’ Black Friday Discounts

Incredible savings on software.


18 November 2022

Sale on now, from 23rd to 28th November.
(All prices in USD)

Featured Specials:
The ultimate compressor plugin that expands on the characteristics and features of the Distressor.
BFP $129
RRP $199

Big FrEQ
The only parametric equaliser plugin that joins modern tone curves with analog controls and tones.
BFP $89.00
RRP $149

Arousor LT
The gateway compressor from Empirical Labs.
BFP $49
RRP $79

Purchase of Arousor LT includes an upgrade coupon for the full Arousor equal to the current sale price.
All full Arousor purchases as of 6/29/2022 come with Arousor LT included in the full purchase price.

More info here.


Empirical Labs: empiricallabs.com
Australian Distributor: innovativemusic.com.au

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