Reviews Tascam Review: Tascam DR-680 Andrew Bencina / 3 December 2010 If you’re looking for more in a portable recorder, be sure your pockets are big enough. 0 0
Reviews Tascam Review: Tascam MH-8 Andrew Bencina / 16 August 2010 Bristling with I/O, does this headphone amp have what it takes to step from the low-cost shadows? 0 0
Reviews Tascam Review: Tascam DV-RA1000 Audio Technology / 5 September 2005 James Wilkinson re-discovers the power and flexibility of standalone digital two-track recording. 1 0
Reviews Tascam Review: Tascam FW1884 Brad Watts / 30 September 2004 Tascam is back on the map with some well-conceived, keenly-priced, studio essentials. Brad Watts cheers on this interface/controller. 0 0