Cakewalk Reviews Roland Review: Sonar V-Studio 700 Audio Technology / 22 June 2009 Cakewalk and Roland unite to unleash their ultimate studio in a box – literally! 0 0
Event Reviews Studio Monitors Review: Event Opal Audio Technology / 22 June 2009 An impressive new active nearfield from the company that invented 20/20 sound… 0 0
On The Bench Tutorials On The Bench: Compressors Part 2 Audio Technology / 3 June 2009 If feedback is something you more readily associate with an out-of-control foldback wedge than an in-control compressor, read on – the results are sure […] 1 0
HHB Reviews Review: HHB CDR882 Audio Technology / 1 May 2009 Reports of the stand-alone recorder’s demise are greatly exaggerated. 0 0
Reviews Review: Lenehan Audio ML1 Audio Technology / 1 May 2009 They might look small, but they’re a two-man lift. 0 0