Issue 97.5

Something For Kate’s Paul Dempsey and Powderfinger’s Bernard Fanning find a shared love for synth-driven rock/pop music. Fanning Dempsey National Park is the result.


RME Fireface Interfaces Add a Room EQ

The Room EQ software will be implemented across all current Fireface models.


8 March 2024

RME’s commitment to excellence remains strong with their latest addition – the inclusion of Room EQ. This innovation will be implemented across all current Fireface models including the Fireface UFX III, UFX II, UCX II, and 802 FS. This functionality is also available for the UFX III predecessor, the Fireface UFX+. The integration of Room EQ adds room calibration to the RME eco-system making it perfect for Immersive audio setups including Dolby ATMOS.

The ROOM EQ is a new DSP section added to RME’s TotalMix FX. It consists of nine (9) bands of fully parametric EQ, individual output delay, and volume calibration. Users can freely assign up to twenty (20) ROOM EQs at once to any output(s) they wish including stereo, headphone, and digital outputs for maximum flexibility. Settings can be input manually or imported using tools like Sonarworks or Room EQ Wizard

It is important to note that RME’s ROOM EQ functionality can be used in mono, stereo, or multi-channel configurations depending on how users want to calibrate their system. For traditional stereo applications or immersive multi-channel setups, users can apply measurements from software tools like SonarWorks Sound ID Reference or REW. As of the time of this release, RME and SonarWorks have been in cooperation to make an easy import/export procedure for customers wishing to measure and calibrate their systems. From these software tools they will be able to easily export the measurements and import their calibration settings into their RME interface. A similar cooperation is planned for REW (Room EQ Wizard). “It is our goal to make the process of room calibration as simple as possible for RME customers wishing to calibrate their home studios using the new built-in ROOM EQ from RME ” says Derek Badala Director of Sales – The Americas. “This functionality is not only for Dolby ATMOS/Immersive applications, but its also for everyday audio interface users who can now measure and calibrate their home studios for stereo as well.”

A built-in ROOM EQ function in hardware offers greater advantages than traditional software approaches to room calibration. “A built-in hardware solution reduces Latency and CPU usage along with the overall convenience of not having to run separate software or plug-ins in the background or in your DAW” says Derek Badala. “In addition to convenience, customers no longer have to worry about accidentally printing the EQ settings on their mix files, and there are no driver/software bugs to contend with. It’s easy to access right in TotalMix on your outputs.”

In addition to ROOM EQ, RME also added a feature called Binaural Crossed to the Fireface Series. This functionality provides speaker emulation in headphones – perfect for mixing stereo or ATMOS in headphones. The Crossfeed function emulates speaker behavior in terms of channel separation so the extreme wide ambience experienced in headphones can be set in 5 stages.

These new features are now available for new and existing customers free of charge. Existing RME customers who have already purchased a Fireface UFX III, UFX+, UFX II, 802 FS, or UCX II can visit the RME-USA website and download the latest firmware to add ROOM EQ and Crossfeed functionality to their systems. “We are very proud of the fact that these new features are added at no additional cost so that existing customers can benefit from these incredible enhancements.” Once again RME shows its continued commitment to excellence and lifetime customer service to its loyal users.”

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Issue 97.5

Something For Kate’s Paul Dempsey and Powderfinger’s Bernard Fanning find a shared love for synth-driven rock/pop music. Fanning Dempsey National Park is the result.