Tascam DR-10L PCM Recorder New Features

Tascam Powerful New Features Set the Standard in the Ultra-Compact DR-10L Digital Recorder/Lavalier Mic Combo


5 February 2021

Tascam announces several unique features for the DR-10L Micro Linear PCM Recorder. With its ultra-compact form factor and the included lavalier microphone, the DR-10L has established itself as the industry standard recording solution for videographers, filmmakers, event producers, and vloggers. This feature rich recording tool now has additional capabilities that make the system even more powerful.

The DR-10L’s OLED backlit display provides clear, real time information about record levels, SD card status and more —without the annoying distraction of bright LEDs that can be seen through clothing. In addition to its support for 48kHz/24-bit BWF (Broadcast Wave Format), WAV format recording, the DR-10L also offers MP3 recording at both 128kbps and 192kbps.

Also included is the DR-10L’s Poly file dual record capability with adjustable dB level that automatically makes a backup track to the SD card. Users can, for example, set the dB level of the backup track to -6dB or-12dB to ensure pristine recordings that are free from clipping or distortion. There is always a secondary track for worry-free “no second take” recording. Equally notable, level meters are now active during both recording and playback. When combined with the included iZotope RX Elements software package for Mac or PC, it’s easy to ensure recordings are devoid of noise, air conditioning hum, fabric or other lavalier rustle noises, or even that airplane that flew overhead in the middle of the event or production.

Because of Tascam’s superior battery management technology, the Tascam DR-10L uses a single AAA battery. With 10 hours of operation from one alkaline battery or fifteen hours via a lithium battery, this is a significant advantage when compared to competing units that use two AAA batteries. Considering that a wedding videographer may use as many as five DR-10L recorders while a TV or film videographer may use more, if each recorder requires dual batteries, the difference in battery cost is dramatic.

It should also be noted that recording professionals demand control over their equipment—and with Auto Gain, a Limiter, and its Low-Cut filter, the Tascam DR-10L delivers. From the day it was introduced, the Tascam DR-10L offered users the features that set this recorder apart from all others, and with these features, it gains even greater functionality that keeps this exceptional recorder at the head of the pack. These new features are already included with all new DR-10L recorders, and previous units can easily be updated.


Tascam: tascam.com
Australian Distributor: cmi.com.au

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