Electro-Voice Joins Club
Wentys Leagues Club is one of the Sydney super clubs and knows how to have a good time. Which accounts for the big investment in its Star Room. It’s a showroom that’ll undoubtedly be a lynchpin venue for bands making the trip up and down the eastern seaboard. The audio is an all Electro-Voice affair. Doing most of the work are two six-strong arrays of EV XLD281 full-range elements, powered by EV’s CPS amps, and controlled by an N8000 Netmax. A pair of 18-inch XSubs fill the bottom end, and eight QRX112 wedges populate the stage. A two-way EVF1122 acts as a centre ‘proscenium’/infill speaker. Being such an Electro-Voice ‘love in’, it came as little surprise that the EV ETX series had its launch in the Star Room last month. There’s a buzz about ETX. It’s a significant new range, that’ll definitely sit in the upper echelon on portable PAs. There are three two-way models, a 15-inch three-way model, and two subs with either a 15-inch or 18-inch driver. All models have simple DSP control via a single-knob control. The Robertson Brothers gave the various ETX flavours a good work out, to an appreciative industry crowd. AT is getting hold of ETX shortly for a look-see. We’ll let you know.
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